  • Statistics for Long Beach, California
  • The population of Long Beach is 480,584. Of that number, 236,069 are Males and 244,515 are Females.

    Long Beach, California population breakdown by age is as follows:

    8.35 % are Under Age 5
    8.95 % are 5 to 9 Years Old
    7.72 % are 10 to 14 Years Old
    7.25 % are 15 to 19 Years Old
    7.68 % are 20 to 24 Years Old
    17.18 % are 25 to 34 Years Old
    15.72 % are 35 to 44 Years Old
    11.63 % are 45 to 54 Years Old
    3.76 % are 55 to 59 Years Old
    2.70 % are 60 to 64 Years Old
    4.43 % are 65 to 74 Years Old
    3.43 % are 75 to 84 Years Old
    1.20 % are over 85 Years Old

    Long Beach Stats
    The Total Area covered by Long Beach, California is 55.63 Sq. Miles.
    The population density in Long Beach, CA. is 8,692.19 persons/sq. mile.
    The Long Beach elevation is 267 Ft.

    Enrollment and Education for Long Beach:
    154,203 students are enrolled in school in Long Beach, California (over 3 years of age).
    Of those who are enrolled in Long Beach:
    8,334 students are attending Nursery School in Long Beach.
    9,281 students are enrolled in Kindergarten.
    64,834 students in Long Beach are enrolled in Primary School
    29,606 students attend High School in Long Beach.
    42,148 students attend College in Long Beach.
    Long Beach Employment Info:
    198,062 people are employed in Long Beach.
    20,395 people are unemployed in Long Beach, California.
    Data on Household Economics in Long Beach:
    Household earnings breakdown:
    Under $10,000 yearly: 21,100
    $10,000.00 to $14,999 yearly: 12,665
    $15,000 to $24,999 yearly: 23,445
    $25,000 to $34,999 yearly: 21,969
    $35,000 to $49,999 yearly: 25,598
    $50,000 to $74,999 yearly: 28,743
    $75,000 to $99,999 yearly: 15,973
    $100,000 to $149,999 yearly: 12,946
    $150,000 to $199,999 yearly: 3,823
    $200,000 or more yearly: 3,560

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Request

Seeking Help For:
What Is The Age Of Individual Needing Cocaine Treatment?
Has The Individual Received Cocaine Addiction Treatment Or Attended A Cocaine Rehab Before?Yes No
General Situation:
Preferred Contact Method?Phone Email

Drug Rehab in Long Beach, CA.

Alcohol and Drug treatment in Long Beach, CA. is readily available for people that require powerful rehabilitation options to get help for any kind of drug addiction. Whether somebody is addicted to alcohol, illicit street drugs or even prescription drugs, there are drug and alcohol treatment centers in Long Beach, CA. which can help individuals efficiently detox from any drug and preferably acquire further treatment services so that they do not have to struggle with addiction again. For individuals who want to quit, alcohol and drug rehab in Long Beach, CA. is truly the only established way of doing so. Many attempt to stop using drugs on their own and do not succeed simply because they are up against so many obstacles both physically and psychologically. Treatment professionals at alcohol and drug treatment facilities in Long Beach, CA. recognize what drug and alcohol addicted individuals are confronted with when making an attempt to quit and are ready to utilize proven rehabilitation techniques to help get them through it.

Even when someone has the very best of intentions, it can be nearly impossible to stop abusing drugs or alcohol when someone has grown to be reliant on them. Drug or alcohol dependence is often not just physical in nature and addicts can start to depend on drugs or alcohol psychologically as well. It then becomes an internal struggle, when the person is aware that they need to address their addiction but cannot figure out how to overcome the physical urges, often harsh symptoms of withdrawal and mental triggers to boot. Alcohol and Drugs can make someone a prisoner of their own mind and body, and the only way to put a stop to it is to get treatment at a drug rehab center in Long Beach, CA. area. If the person won't reach out for this help on their own, friends and family members should intervene to make certain they get this help.

If somebody who is addicted to drugs and alcohol won't go and get treatment of their own free will, seek the advice of a professional treatment specialist at a drug rehab in Long Beach, CA. to determine if a drug intervention may be a good idea. A drug intervention is a procedure which is typically done with the guidance of a professional drug interventionist, which can help persuade a drug or alcohol addicted individual to go to drug rehab when needed. Because of intense denial and guilt, it can be hard to convince someone to go to drug rehab in Long Beach, CA. even if the circumstances are dire. This is the perfect opportunity for close friends and loved ones to come together and utilize a drug intervention to get them into drug treatment in Long Beach, CA. before there are serious consequences. Every single moment is crucial, so if someone you know is addicted to drugs and doesn't make to the move to go to drug rehabilitation in Long Beach, CA. to get help, seriously consider using a drug intervention right away.

It is often the situation that addicted individuals are ordered by a judge to take part in drug and alcohol rehabilitation in Long Beach, CA. as a result of a drug offense or criminal activity that was committed because of their drug addiction. Although most would not typically choose this course of action of their own free will, close friends and family members can be reassured and know that these treatment clients do just as well in drug and alcohol treatment in Long Beach, CA. as those who go to drug rehabilitation of their own free will. For those not fortunate enough to enter into alcohol and drug rehabilitation in Long Beach, CA. because of the criminal justice system, it is like a revolving door in and out of trouble and jail. Most of the time, criminal justice clients in drug rehab in Long Beach, CA. get through their treatment curriculum and go on to live drug free lives and stay out of the criminal justice cycle altogether.

Once an individual gets to drug and alcohol rehab in Long Beach, CA., detox is the procedure which will inevitably be the initial important stage of a very complete and extensive rehabilitation plan. During an alcohol or drug detoxification, clients who are just beginning to abstain from their drug of choice will experience intense withdrawal symptoms as the drugs are leaving their bodies. Treatment clients must readjust both physically and mentally to these changes and often takes a substantial amount of will power to avoid relapse during this time, which would relieve these intense and sometimes painful and punishing symptoms. Detoxification experts at an alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility in Long Beach, CA. know what set of symptoms each drug and/or alcohol will bring during withdrawal, and know how to address them so that drug and alcohol detox goes smoothly and is a safe procedure. Being in this environment will help ensure that there is nothing which will cause relapse and that the individual gets through drug and alcohol detox so they can move onto the more critical elements of rehabilitation.

Immediately after detox, it is critical that the person in rehab at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Long Beach, CA. and their close friends and family members are aware that this is not in any way the end of the treatment process. Just abstaining from drugs and detoxing alone isn't considered treatment all alone, it is just the beginning of a much more in-depth course of action which includes many weeks of counseling and therapy to actually deal with addiction and completely resolve it for good. Rehab experts will work with the individual to dig up and tackle what brought on their substance abuse and develop ways to prevent this from taking place in the future. One-on-one and peer group therapy is frequently used in addition to training and behavioral therapy to help foster more helpful coping methods which will give them a much better shot at not only staying sober but living a complete and happy existence.

The fast and easy road is not the most effective road when it comes to rehabilitating someone who has struggled with drug addiction. For this reason, alcohol and drug rehab is best undertaken in an inpatient or residential setting like a long-term drug and alcohol treatment facility in Long Beach, CA. which requires a stay of at least 12 weeks or longer, to ensure the individual can maintain complete concentration on their treatment. When contemplating different rehab possibilities in Long Beach, CA. take into account an alcohol and drug treatment program which will not only produce quick results but benefits that will be lasting.

There are 21 listings in Long Beach, California:

Drug Rehab By City
  • AA Meetings in Long Beach:
  • Crofton Manor
    1950 E 5th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Wednesday - 7:00 PM
  • Buscando Sobriedad
    1409 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Thursday - 8:00 PM
  • Attitude Adjust
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Sunday - 6:30 AM, 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM
    Monday - 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM
    Tuesday - 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM
    Wednesday - 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM
    Thursday - 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM
  • 11th Step Focus
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Sunday - 11:00 AM
  • Experience Strength & Hope
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Sunday - 7:30 PM
  • 12 & 12
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Monday - 12:30 PM
  • An A Step Study
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Monday - 6:00 PM
  • Tues Noon Disc
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Tuesday - 12:30 PM
  • In The Can
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • Spiritual Bankruptcy
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Wednesday - 12:30 PM
  • Womens Waywomens Stag An A
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Wednesday - 6:00 PM
  • An A Book Study
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Thursday - 12:30 PM
  • Attitude Adjustment
    1775 Chestnut Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Friday - 6:30 AM, 7:00 AM
    Saturday - 6:30 AM, 7:00 AM
  • Rule 62 Att. Adjust
    1403 E. 4th St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Friday - 7:00 AM
  • Fri Free For All
    1403 E. 4th St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Friday - 12:30 PM
  • Came To Believe
    1403 E. 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • Gay Men Of Color Meeting Of A.a
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Saturday - 10:00 AM
  • Nothing Is Permanent But Change
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Saturday - 8:00 PM
  • Late Nite Candlelite
    1403 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Saturday - 11:00 PM
  • Courage To Change
    1150 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Monday - 7:00 PM
  • Weekend Warriors
    290 Bonito Ave. #c
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Friday - 12:00 AM
  • Mothers With Courage An A
    351 E 6th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Monday - 6:30 PM
  • Sun Spots
    On The Beach_alamitos & Ocean
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Sunday - 10:00 AM
  • Participation
    6376 E. P C H Marina Pacifica
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Sunday - 10:00 AM
  • Book Study
    6376 E. Pacific Coast Hwy
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Sunday - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday - 6:30 PM
  • Marina Monday Discussion
    5875 Appian Way
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Monday - 7:30 PM
  • Fri Night Under The Bridge
    5875 Appian Way
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • Marina Discussion
    5875 Appian Way
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • Invisible Speakers
    3517 Broadway
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Thursday - 2:00 PM
  • Living Sober
    Ocean & Junipero
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Saturday - 9:00 AM
  • Wed Noon Step Study
    6376 E. Pacific Coast Hwy
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Wednesday - 12:00 AM
  • Artists/musicians
    6376 E. Pacific Coast Hwy
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • V A Hospital
    7th & Bellflower
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Tuesday - 7:30 PM
  • Sat Nite Live Open Book Speakers
    7th & Linden
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Saturday - 8:00 PM
  • Great Fact Crosstalk
    3rd & Mira Mar
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Sunday - 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday Nite Womens
    3rd & Mira Mar
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Tuesday - 7:00 PM
  • Friday Nooners
    6376 E. Pch
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Friday - 12:00 AM
  • Grace Of God
    6376 E. Pch
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Friday - 6:00 PM
  • Marina Pacific Fri
    6376 E. Pch
    Long Beach, CA. 90803

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • Serenity In The Park
    4900 E 7th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90804

    Saturday - 11:00 AM
  • Bowling Green
    1215 Federation
    Long Beach, CA. 90804

    Monday - 8:00 PM
  • The Basement
    706 Roswell Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90804

    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • Early Att Adjust
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Sunday - 6:30 AM
    Wednesday - 6:30 AM
    Thursday - 6:30 AM
  • Sun Morning An A
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Sunday - 11:00 AM
  • Early Group
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Sunday - 7:30 PM
  • Early Att Adj
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Monday - 6:30 AM
    Tuesday - 6:30 AM
  • Mon Daylight
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Monday - 11:00 AM
  • Rainy Day Group
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Monday - 2:00 PM
  • Dirty Shirt Group
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Monday - 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday Q & A
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Tuesday - 11:00 AM
  • 4 Fun & 4 Free
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Tuesday - 2:00 PM
  • Intercity Womens
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Tuesday - 6:00 PM
  • First Things First
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Wednesday - 11:00 AM
  • Lets Get Together
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Wednesday - 2:00 PM
  • Willing To Try
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Thursday - 11:00 AM
  • It Takes Guts Beginners
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Thursday - 2:00 PM
  • Early Attitude Adjustment
    5881 Cherry Ave.
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Friday - 6:30 AM
  • Alter Attitudes
    5881 Cherry Ave.
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Friday - 11:00 AM
  • Reach Out Group
    5881 Cherry Ave.
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Friday - 2:00 PM
  • Second Tradition
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • Its For You
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Saturday - 11:00 AM
  • Intercity Saturday Night Speakers
    5881 Cherry Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Saturday - 8:00 PM
  • Where 2 Or More Are Gathered
    5239 Atlantic Ave.
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Friday - 7:00 PM
  • Seed Planters
    445 Adair St
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • Topic Discussion
    4019 E. 4th St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Wednesday - 7:30 PM
    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • There Is A Solution
    2101 Magnolia Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90806

    Sunday - 7:30 PM
  • Gaviota Group
    3978 Gaviota Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90807

    Tuesday - 7:00 PM
  • Hill Street Blues
    345 E. Carson St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90807

    Friday - 7:00 PM
  • Rule 62 Daily Att Adjust
    341 E Wardlow
    Long Beach, CA. 90807

    Monday - 7:30 AM
    Tuesday - 7:30 AM
    Wednesday - 7:30 AM
    Thursday - 7:30 AM
    Friday - 7:30 AM
  • Uppity Womens Group
    3908 Woodruff Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Tuesday - 6:00 PM
  • Mens Step Study
    5633 Wardlow Rd
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Tuesday - 7:00 PM
  • Womens Step Study
    4300 Bellfower Blvd
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Monday - 11:00 AM
  • Another Big Book Study
    4300 Bellflower Blvd
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday Discussion
    5500 E Wardlow
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Wednesday - 5:45 PM
  • Arbor Road Tuesday Speakers
    5306 Arbor Rd
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • Friday Night Mens
    5306 Arbor Rd.
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Friday - 7:00 PM
  • Candlewood Group
    4714 Clark Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Sunday - 7:00 PM
  • Va Att Adjust
    2050 Williams
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Sunday - 6:30 AM
  • V An Attitude Adj
    2050 Williams
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Monday - 6:30 AM
  • Va Early Att Adj
    2050 Williams
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Tuesday - 6:30 AM
  • V An Att Adjust
    2050 Williams
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Wednesday - 6:30 AM
  • Va Attitude Adjust
    2050 Williams
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Thursday - 6:30 AM
  • Va Attitude Adjustment
    2050 Williams
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Friday - 6:30 AM
  • V A Attitude Adjust
    2050 Williams
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Saturday - 6:30 AM
  • Changing Spirits
    2120 Williams St #1
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Sunday - 7:00 PM
  • K-2 Survivors & Friends
    2090 River Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Wednesday - 7:30 PM
  • 1 Hour Mens Stag
    1900 E Carson
    Long Beach, CA. 90810

    Monday - 6:00 PM
  • Eastside Aa Group
    1300 E. 10th Street
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Thursday - 5:30 PM
  • Candlelight
    1370 Alamitos Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Friday - 10:00 PM
  • Safe Haven
    920 E. New York St
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Friday - 6:30 PM
  • Alanza Last Hope
    759 Linden Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Sunday - 7:30 PM
  • Serenity Circle
    668 Obispo Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Monday - 7:00 PM
    Friday - 7:30 PM
  • Tues Night Round Robin
    759 Linden
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Tuesday - 7:30 PM
  • Mother Group
    759 Linden
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Friday - 7:30 PM
  • L B City Collg Aa
    1305 E P C H
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Tuesday - 12:00 AM
  • L B City College An A
    1305 E P C H
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Thursday - 12:00 AM
  • Women Do Recover A.a.
    1775 Chestnut Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Sunday - 6:30 PM
  • Plug In The Jug
    1775 Chestnut Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Tuesday - 7:30 PM
  • Attitude Adjustment 2
    1775 Chestnut Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Saturday - 7:30 AM
  • Friday Nighters
    4545 E. 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Friday - 7:00 PM
  • Friendly Fellowship
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Sunday - 11:00 AM
  • Roundtable
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Sunday - 5:00 PM
    Saturday - 2:00 PM
  • Gratitude
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Sunday - 8:00 PM
  • Turning Point
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Monday - 12:00 AM
  • One Happy Hour
    4019 E. 4th St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Monday - 6:00 PM
    Tuesday - 6:00 PM
    Wednesday - 6:00 PM
    Friday - 6:00 PM
  • Central
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Monday - 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday Nooners
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Tuesday - 12:00 AM
  • Chip
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • Welcome Home
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Wednesday - 12:00 AM
  • Down To Earth
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • Turn The Block
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Wednesday - 10:30 PM
  • Day Lite
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Thursday - 12:00 AM
  • T G I F Attitude Adjustment
    4019 E. 4th St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Friday - 8:00 AM
  • We Are Not Saints
    4019 E. 4th St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Friday - 12:00 AM
  • The Eye Opener
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Saturday - 8:00 AM
  • Big Book Study
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Saturday - 5:00 PM
  • 929 Group
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Saturday - 8:00 PM
  • nightowls Candlelight
    4019 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Saturday - 10:30 PM
  • Only The Big Book
    6th & Termino
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Wednesday - 7:30 PM
  • Belmont Heights Closed Womens
    346 Termino
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Wednesday - 10:00 AM
  • Gung Ho
    346 Termino Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • East Side Early Bird Att Adj
    668 Obispo Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Sunday - 7:00 AM
    Wednesday - 7:00 AM
  • Eastside Early Bird Att Adj
    668 Obispo Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Monday - 7:00 AM
    Tuesday - 7:00 AM
    Thursday - 7:00 AM
    Saturday - 7:00 AM
  • Eastside Early Bird
    668 Obispo Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Friday - 7:00 AM
  • Just Say Thanks
    3215 E 3rd St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • Fri Night Fellowship
    3215 E. 3rd St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Friday - 8:30 PM
  • We Are Not A Glum Lot
    3215 E 3rd St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Saturday - 7:30 PM
  • Sun Night Step & Tradition Study
    370 Junipero Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Sunday - 6:30 PM
  • Book Study For Dummies
    370 Junipero
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Monday - 7:30 PM
  • No B.s.
    370 Junipero
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • Tue Nite Step Study
    3rd & Junipero
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Tuesday - 7:00 PM
  • Hey Ray
    3rd & Junipero
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Thursday - 3:00 PM
  • Step/book Study
    2017 E 4th St
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Monday - 7:00 PM
  • Intimacy & Recovery Mens Stag
    2017 4th St..
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Friday - 7:00 PM
  • Step Sisters
    6220 E Willow
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Saturday - 1:00 PM
  • Fri Night Participation
    1901 Palo Verde Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • Willing To Grow
    6201 E Willow
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Tuesday - 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday Book Study
    6201 E Willow
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • Fri Night E Willow Disc
    6201 Willow
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • 11th Step Study
    5950 E Willow
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Monday - 2:00 PM
  • Traditions
    5950 E Willow
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Thursday - 2:00 PM
  • Nooners
    Marina Pacifica Mall
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Monday - 12:00 PM
  • East Bay Group
    5620 Atherton
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Sunday - 7:00 PM
  • Los Altos Open Door
    5550 E Atherton
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Monday - 8:00 PM
  • Tues Night Live Book Study
    5550 Atherton
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • Icebreakers
    5550 Atherton
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Wednesday - 7:30 PM
  • Los Altos Group
    5550 Atherton
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • Winers Circle Reflections
    5550 Atherton
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Saturday - 10:00 AM
  • Sobriety Seekers
    5550 Atherton
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Saturday - 8:00 PM
  • 10+ Group
    5450 Atherton St
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Sunday - 5:00 PM
  • Wed Night Mens Stag
    5195 Stearns St
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Wednesday - 7:00 PM
  • Lakewood Q & A
    4700 Clark Ave
    Long Beach, CA. 90815

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • NA meetings in Long Beach:
  • Alano Club
    441 East 1st St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Monday - 12:00 PM
    Thursday - 12:00 PM
    Tuesday - 12:00 PM
    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • Cherry Ave Group
    5881 Cherry Avenue
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Friday - 5:30 PM
  • Cherry Group
    5881 Cherry Avenue
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Sunday - 2:00 PM
  • Flossie Lewis Recovery Home
    351 East 6Th Street
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Saturday - 10:00 AM
  • For The Grace Of God Group
    2101 Magnolia Avenue
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Saturday - 8:00 PM
  • Hugs Not Drugs Group
    5881 Cherry Avenue
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Wednesday - 6:00 PM
  • Immanuel Community Church
    3215 E. 3rd St.
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Monday - 8:00 PM
  • It Works How & Why Group
    5881 Cherry Avenue
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Saturday - 6:00 PM
  • Junipero Avenue Parking Lot
    Life Guard Tower #11
    Long Beach, CA. 90801

    Sunday - 10:00 AM
  • Lakewood Village Community Church
    4919 Centralia
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Friday - 8:30 PM
  • Last Mile Group
    5881 Cherry Avenue
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • Long Beach Community Hospital
    1720 Termino Ave.
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Sunday - 7:00 PM
    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • Long Beach Unity Church
    935 East Broadway
    Long Beach, CA. 90802

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM
  • NA Grown Group
    1775 Chestnut Ave.
    Long Beach, CA. 90813

    Sunday - 6:30 PM
  • Saint Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity
    1900 Carson Street
    Long Beach, CA. 90805

    Sunday - 7:30 PM
  • Sharing From the Heart Group
    3331 Palo Vere Avenue
    Long Beach, CA. 90808

    Friday - 8:00 PM
  • Unitarian Church
    5450 Atherton
    Long Beach, CA. 90814

    Tuesday - 8:00 PM